Communications and technology are what motivate me to inspire change.

With over 15 years experience in outreach, community development, project development and branding, I have managed projects in strategic marketing and communications that have included work for clients such as California governments, San Francisco public utilities and services, non-profit organizations like the International Union for Conservation of Nature, Government agencies like National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and even companies like Google.

By engaging the latest technologies for outreach and community building, I have developed successful projects all over the world dedicated to conservation and habitat monitoring. My specialty in outreach campaigns is multi-platform focused — everything from social media to in-person events. This includes desktop publishing, collateral creation, content development, and overarching creative strategy conception.

My passion for ocean science and technology has culminated in the development of the Online Ocean Symposium and the podcast - Ocean Science Radio.

  • Show All
  • Projects
  • Websites
  • Video
  • Blogging

These are just a few of the skills I have acquired and developed over the years. You can see more on my LinkedIn profile.

Boston University

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with a concentration in Public Policy and Group Communications.

I studied Scientifically Informed Public Policy and Communications to better understand how groups organize and how to identify what resonates with them. With that combined academic background, I was able to learn how to use data and statistics to form engaging stories to effect group change.

Independent Outreach Consultant

A consultant for various non-profit, government & businesses with strong focus on specialized communications strategies and plans.

Period: April 2012 - Present day
Job type: Consultant
Clients: Buyer's Best Friend, Google Oceans Program, Google Social Responsibility Team, NOAA, Mission Blue, IUCN, BLUE Ocean Film Festival, Sun Edison, and 70 Degrees West.

Each of these consulting services incorporated a full spectrum of outreach services but also hyper-focused on specialized communications strategies and plans.

  • Collateral development and content strategy
  • Community development and outreach
  • Social media strategy and best practices
  • Development of new media tactics and tools.
  • Training in video development and public speaking

CEO, Co-Founder, & Host

Online Ocean Symposium

Period: January 2013 - Present day
Guests: Bill McKibben -, Don Walsh - Ocean Explorer, Bob Ballard - Ocean Explorer, Dr. Wallace J. Nicols, Dr. Sylvia Earle, Celine Cousteau, Jean-Michel Cousteau, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Resource Defense Council, NASA, Bag It, Californian's Against Waste, the Plastic Pollution Coalition, 5 Gyres, the BLUE Ocean Film Festival, the X Prize, and more.

Developed the concept, program, website and network for the Online Ocean Symposium. The Symposium (OOS) is an online forum that, through the Google Plus Hangout on Air tool, creates programming in a forum discussion between Ocean stakeholders on a range of subjects. These discussions are streamed live and broadcast to a wide variety of interested groups all over the world with the goal to unite people and resources on critical issues for the ocean.

In this role I am also in charge of all outreach and social media. This includes reaching out to VIP guests, partners and news outlets. I have been responsible for growing our community and we have gotten to the point where we have passed 60,000 followers on Google plus. I also edit all videos and create highlight reels of the Hangouts that I host and moderate.

For the last 4 years, through the Symposium, I was able to attend South By South West Eco, the green tech and sustainable conference, as a member of the press. I interviewed attendees, reported on the proceedings and conversations and even held a G+ Hangout from the event.

Community Manager

Google Map Maker-
Contracted through Adecco

Period: March 2011 - April 2012
Skills Used: Vender Relations, Community Building, Event Coordination, Outreach Strategy Development, Social Media Outreach, Metrics Collecting and ROI analysis, Program Development.

Designed, implemented and analyzed a nationwide "roadshow" for the Google Maps application, travelling to universities and Google offices guiding groups in application usage to encourage teams and individuals to engage more fully with the technology.

Wrote and managed content for all Social Media streams for Google Map Maker including Twitter, Facebook, and Google +. Developed a community management tool that tracked every soft and hard touch with each user. This included every event the user had participated in and every item of collateral sent to that user. This information was later analyzed against that user's activities with the program for determining their ROI.

Planned the logistics of more than 15 events cross country including securing a venue, coordinating food, identifying and reaching out to attendees and presented to the attendees. This includes gathering 170 attendees to a Geography Information Systems based Google Summit, identifying and coordinating 6 guest speakers and generating all swag for the event.